是否进口否 | 产地浙江 |
加工定制是 | 纸袋形状手提袋 |
用途服装袋 | 供货类型可定制 |
规格定制 | 工艺胶印 |
适用送礼场合婚庆、 公关策划、 乔迁、 节日 | 加印LOGO可以 |
是否现货否 | 材质牛皮纸 |
微信qq:2291409957邮箱:dongrun@163.com公司地址:嘉兴加创路321号交大科技园内。【业务主营】纸袋厂家、纸袋订做、手提纸袋印刷、牛皮纸袋厂、画册印刷制作、样本册制作、产品目录、logo设计 vi设计、说明书印刷、不干胶、宣传单、信封、单张彩页、纸杯、手提袋定做、名片等设计制作。【我们的优势】1、我们印刷设备采用“海德堡”大型印刷机,印刷色彩逼真,清晰度高。2、专业设计师多名,有丰富的各行业宣传资料的设计经验。3、纸张、油墨等直接厂商采购,保证品质的同时,降低成本,让利给顾客。
the gift handbag is a kind of packaging, which refers to the bag for putting and packing gifts. gift handbags are usually made of three materials: plastic, paper and cloth. nowadays, people can see people using gift handbags everywhere.
promotion handbags promotional bags are primarily used in promotional activities to promote products and businesses. in order to promote their image and promote the sale of products, enterprises often organize a series of activities.
the shopping bag shopping bag advertisement can use the limited area of the bag to convey the market information of the enterprise or product service to the world. when customers carry shopping bags with shop advertisements and walk through the streets, it is actually some exquisite handbags that are not as good as making an excellent advertising sign, and the cost is relatively low.乌镇手提纸袋厂家 乌镇手提袋设计印刷
浙江 嘉兴 秀洲区 秀洲区交大科技园研发楼